Campanula Takion Grower Fact


Campanula persicifolia hybrid

COLORS AVAILABLE: white, blue (lavender)
FLOWER/GARDEN SIZE: beautiful upright bell-shaped flowers 2 to 2.5 inches in diameter, on upright spikes Height from 16 to 20§ 每 about half the height of the standard C.

persicifolia varieties
NOVELTY CHARACTERISTIC: bred for dwarf habit 每 generally produces 6-8 branches for heavy
flowering without pinching. extremely attractive, floriferous plants make an excellent pot crop Takion lasts very well as a cut flower for the home garden
MARKET USE: pot plant for a sunny window or in containers outdoors 每 has excellent consumer appeal. Good crop for cool culture for fuel savings 每 can be started in summer and over-wintered outside to finish in spring in many areas

SOWING: 288 tray
FINISH CONTAINER: 6§ pots, gallons or mixed containers
PLUG STAGE: GERMINATION emergence 7-10 days / 68∼F / needs light
EC (POUR THRU METHOD): emergence to cotyledon expansion= 0.5-0.75 mS/cm cotyledon expansion to plug finish= 0.75-1.0 mS/cm
PLUG FINISH TIME: 6-7 weeks in a 288 tray

TRANSPLANT: if sowing in open trays or small plugs, transplant at the three leaf stage; for larger plugs, 45-55 days after sowing
DAYS TO FLOWER: 170 days at 60-65∼F days; longer if grown cooler (to 230 days, depending on temperature.)
TEMPERATURE: 55-65∼F day / 40-55∼F night
VERNALIZATION: Takion requires a vernalization period to induce flowering; we recommend a minimum of 4 weeks at temperatures of 32∼F to 35∼F to properly induce flowering response.
Trials are currently ongoing to test for vernalization in large plugs to make sure that maximum branching development is not impaired by early cooling.
EC: 1.0-2.5 mS/cm (pour thru method)
pH: 5.5-6.0
COMMON PESTS/DISEASES: Botrytis, Pythium & Rhizoctonia

- Takion series requires a vernalization (chilling) period of at least 4 weeks to induce flowering for greenhouse culture.
- Typically, C. persicifolia is sown in late summer or early fall and overwintered in the garden 每 grown this way Takion will flower natural season in May.
- The root system of Campanulas are sensitive, especially in warm periods 每 try to keep fertilizer levels low under very warm growing conditions to avoid root damage.
- Takion has been tested for hardiness down to 20∼F in Japan 每 being a C. persicifolia hybrid, it should have hardiness to temperatures below 0∼F, as the species is hardy to at least -20∼F; it should be able to be vernalized over winter as far north as Michigan as other Campanula species. Trials are recommended.
- Pinching is not required as it is bred to self-branch
- Takion should not need PGR applications as it is bred to be genetically dwarf. If regulating is desired for shorter plants than the 16-20§ standard height, B-Nine is effective in controlling flowering height. Applications should be made as the plants begin to grow after vernalization 每 our trials have shown a 0.25% solution applied as a spray to be effective, but we strongly suggest you do trials under your specific growing conditions and climate.
- Provide good ventilation & allow foliage to dry before nightfall
- Be watchful for botrytis once flowers emerge.